How to create Polka Dots Patterns in Adobe Illustrator?

In the following step, you will learn how to make polka dot in Adobe Illustrator.

How do you make a new document for a Pattern?

To create a pattern, open Illustrator on your PC then clicks on the Create new option here fill in the preset details, first, give a name for the file, and set the width and the height value, here my width value is 50 inch and the height value 30 inch, and the orientation will be landscape then click on the create.

How to make the very first polka dot in Adobe Illustrator?

1. First, hit on the rectangle tool, and here select the ellipse tool, now draw an ellipse in the canvas and fill in any color from the swatch panel (If your swatch panel is not visible then go to the window menu and open the swatch panel), and the stroke color will be none.

2. After that go to the object menu, then click on the pattern option and here select make. After that a pattern option window will be open here give a pattern name, and set the tile types it is Hex by Column, here size Tile to Art, and the moving tile with art will check on, here H spacing and V spacing will be 1 inch, copies will be 5*5, Dim copies to is 70% and also it will check on and show tile edge will check on. Then click on the done option.

Also read:

3. Now select the single polka dot and delete it. (Press the delete key on the keyboard).

4. Open the swatch panel and click on the polka dot pattern already saved here. Now go to the rectangle tool and select the rectangle, then draw a rectangle in the canvas, here canvas size and the rectangle size will be the same. After drawing the rectangle your polka dot pattern will be visible on the canvas.

5. Here also you can change the polka dot color, To change the color go to the swatch panel and double-click on the polka dot pattern.

Now select a color that you want from the swatch panel and already the polka dot color will be changed then click on the done.

6. In this step select your canvas.

Then go to the object menu then select transform and here select scale. In the scale window change the scale value uniformly, mine is 23% then click ok.

And Now here our Polka Dot pattern is complete.


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