How to Create Glitter Effect in Adobe Photoshop?

In the following step, you will learn how to make Glitter Effect in Adobe Photoshop.

How do you make new documents for patterns?

For creating a document hit on the File menu then select new, where width is 1000 and height is 1000 pixels, Resolution is 72 pixels, the color mode is RGB, and the background content will be white then click ok.

Glitter Effect Tutorials

How do you Create Glitter Effect?

1. At first, set your foreground and the background color, here foreground color will be black and the background color will be white. Now go to the layer panel and unlock the layer, then click on the filter menu, here select noise then click on the add noise option. Here add noise amount is 70%, Distribution will be uniform and the monochromatic will check on. Then click ok.

2. Again go to the filter menu and select pixelate then click on the crystallize, here crystallize cell size will be 10 then click ok.

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3. Now go to the layer panel and duplicate the layer, select the top layer, and change the blending mode from normal to multiple.

4. In this step go to the image menu here select image rotation and then select 90°cw. Now again duplicate the top layer then again click on the image menu, then again select image rotation then 90°cw. Now select every layer and merge them.

5. After that create a new layer and open the swatch panel ( you can open the swatch panel from the window menu) now select a color, mine is yellow and press Ctrl+ backspace to fill the color in the background.

In the layer panel change the blending mode from normal to soft light to color burn.

If you create a new glitter effect then click on the new fill and adjustment option in the layer panel, then click on the solid color option, then pick a color that you want then again change the blending mode from normal to color burn.

Now here our Glitter Effect is complete.

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