How do you make Denim Texture in Photoshop?

In the following step, you will learn how to make Denim texture in Adobe Photoshop. I will also leave the video below so you can have a better idea and see how I create Denim Texture in Adobe Photoshop.

How do you make new documents for patterns?

First, Open Photoshop then Create a new document, for creating a document go to the File menu, here click on New, and set the Width and height that is 1000/800 pixels and the Resolution is 72, the color mode will be RGB and the background Content is white, then click Ok.

Denim Texture Tutorials

How do you create Denim Texture step by step?

1. Click on the default foreground and background color and set the foreground color it will be black and the background color will be white. Go to the filter menu and select filter gallery, then choose a sketch, and here select halftone pattern, here halftone pattern size will be 1, the contrast will be 2 and the pattern type is the line. Then click ok.

2. After that go to the filter menu, here select stylize then choose diffuse, here mode will darken only, then click ok.

Also read:

3. Now again go to the filter menu here noise then add noise, here my noise amount is 16.55%, the distribution will be Gaussian, and monochromatic will check on, then click ok.

4. Now go to the layer panel and duplicate the layer, select the duplicated layer and press Ctrl+ T, move it to a <45° angle, and set the layer. After that press the shift key and select both layers and merge them. Then again duplicate the layer.

5. Set the foreground color it will be blue then press Ctrl+ backspace, to fill it on the background, then go to the layer panel and set the blending mode normal to multiply.

Now the Denim Texture is Complete

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